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Unwrap The Gift Wearing Gloves Game

Have you ever tried to unwrap a gift wearing gloves? Me neither but I think it would be such fun to play that game at our family Christmas party this year!

How To Play The Unwrap The Gift Wearing Gloves Game. Unwrap the Gift Game. How to play unwrap the gift game. Christmas party game ideas. Family Friendly games

Christmas party games bring loads of hilarious laughter. This game is called Unwrap The Gift, Wearing Gloves and it’s super funny.

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How To Play Unwrap The Gift Wearing Gloves Game

The Objective of the game

To be the first person to successfully unwrap the gift while wearing either oven mitts or mittens.

Tools for play

  • One wrapped gift. A gift wrapped inside of many layers of paper and boxes of graduated sizes. Use a small item as your gift such as a candy bar. Be sure to wrap it in a small box which is then wrapped in a larger box which is then wrapped in an even larger box. You get the idea. Also, use multi layers of paper and lots of large tape such as Duct tape or packing tape.
  • One set of Dice
  • Santa Hat
  • Long Scarf
  • Set of Mittens or Oven Mitts

How To Play

Select who will go first. You can do this by allowing everyone to roll the dice and the person with the largest number goes first. Then everyone to his/her left goes next.

The first person will put on the hat, scarf, and gloves and then attempt to open the gift.

While they are trying to open the gift, the next person will begin rolling the Dice. Once they roll doubles, it is their turn to try to open the gift.

Note: You can set a specific number to be rolled such as double 6’s.  An alternative to Dice would be to use a kitchen timer with a loud buzzer.

Play continues moving counterclockwise until someone gets the gift completely open. They win the gift inside. Make the gift interesting. For added fun include a bell inside the box!

Do NOT Do What They Did! Don’t allow participants to beat on the box!

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How To Play The Unwrap The Gift Wearing Gloves Game. Unwrap the Gift Game. How to play unwrap the gift game. Christmas party game ideas. Family Friendly games

Updated 12/19/22

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  1. What a fun game! I’ve played the one where you try to unwrap gum with gloves on. Trying to unwrap a present would be challenging and so much fun. I’ll have to remember this one for family get-togethers during the holidays. We love playing games.

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