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Easy Kids Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt Printable

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Create more Christmas spirit fun with your little ones when you give them this Easy Kids Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt game before your annual car ride to see the lights.

Kids Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt Printable. This scavenger hunt is made for the little ones using pictures.

One way to make the Christmas season special for your little one’s is to let them play the Christmas lights scavenger hunt game! I still remember as a child always looking forward to going on the annual Christmas lights drive.

Welcome to the 5th annual 12 Days of Holiday Ideas event, hosted by Shirley of Intelligent Domestications  and  Erlene of My Pinterventures Between Nov. 11th and December 6th there will be hundreds of new ideas shared by over 55 Co-host bloggers! 

Go here to see our kick-off collection of Holiday ideas as well as all of this years talented participating DIY and Foodie Blogs. Download this years November and December calendars with all of the topics and dates so you can make plans to watch for ideas!

We are hosting a BIG GIVEAWAY from our Sponsors this year!


See all 12 Days of Christmas Ideas

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  1. Great ideas!! You are so organized, I am amazed! Thank you. I really must get a colored printer. I am finding so many cute and free printable that are just adorable.

  2. Excellent idea! My kids love scavenger hunts and this is perfect for our Friday night lights trips to see all the Christmas lights around the town. I love it!

  3. Shirley, we’re going on a sleigh ride through a light display a few days before Christmas. Too heck with the kids, we’re all playing this game! Printing 20 copies to bring with me! I’ll be thinking about you as we play this game. Pinned

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