
How To Make A Easter Egg Cone Tree

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Make an elegant Tabletop Easter Egg Cone Tree for your Spring decor this year. Watch the tutorial video to see how we used some pretty craft supplies to create our Easter Egg Tabletop Tree.

How To Make An Elegant Easter Egg Cone Tree Tabletop Decor. Decorate your Easter Table this year with a gorgeous Easter Tree you created with your own personal touches. Follow our video tutorial for the steps we used. #Easter #DIYdecor


  • 4 x 17 Styrofoam Cone (Hobby Lobby)
  • Two Shades of green Faux Grass (Joann’s)
  • Small piece of Cardboard for the bottom
  • Felt (any color, I used Green) for the bottom
  • Plastic Decorative Easter Eggs (Hobby Lobby)
  • Matching 4 “Wire Mesh (Dollar Tree)
  • One silk floral bouquet to match your colors (Hobby Lobby)
  • Moss Bendable Vine Wire (Hobby Lobby)
  • Moss covered faux rocks (like these)
  • Small Birds Nest with Eggs (Joann’s)
  • Wood Rose Shavings (Hobby Lobby)
  • Matching Mini Easter Eggs (Hobby Lobby)


  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Hot Glue Sticks
  • Pencil
  • A few straight Pins, will be removed later
  • Wire Cutters

Written instructions are below the video. Please Follow our You Tube and give this video a Thumbs Up!


Begin with the faux grass

Blend the two shades of green faux grass together for a more natural look. See the video for how to achieve this.

Craft the Felt covered cardboard bottom

First, before you begin to add the grass to your tree, sit the cone tree onto the cardboard and using a pencil, draw around the bottom to create the cardboard template for the base. Cut it out with scissors and repeat the template steps for the felt.

Now, glue the felt to the cardboard and then glue the cardboard onto the bottom of the cone tree with the felt facing out so it serves and the base of the Easter Egg Tree. The felt will help to protect your furniture when you display your new elegant Easter Egg Cone Tree.

Start adding grass to your cone tree

How To Make An Elegant Easter Egg Cone Tree Tabletop Decor. Decorate your Easter Table this year with a gorgeous Easter Tree you created with your own personal touches. Follow our video tutorial for the steps we used. #Easter #DIYdecor

Squeeze some Hot Glue onto the cone and carefully press the grass onto the cone in small sections at a time. Be sure to keep pressing the grass down as you go so that it hugs the cone better. The grass will adhere to the cone even better as we begin to add the decorations to our Easter Tabletop Tree.

Time to add the Easter Eggs to the tree!

How To Make An Elegant Easter Egg Cone Tree Tabletop Decor. Decorate your Easter Table this year with a gorgeous Easter Tree you created with your own personal touches. Follow our video tutorial for the steps we used. #Easter #DIYdecor

Decide the pattern in which you would like to see your Easter Eggs attached to the tree and begin attaching the eggs to your tree using Hot Glue. Be careful not to use too much Hot Glue as it will melt the egg. Don’t ask me how I know that! Leave enough space between the eggs to wind the Wire Mesh ribbon.

Adding the Wire Mesh Ribbon

How To Make An Elegant Easter Egg Cone Tree Tabletop Decor. Decorate your Easter Table this year with a gorgeous Easter Tree you created with your own personal touches. Follow our video tutorial for the steps we used. #Easter #DIYdecor

Next, wrap the ribbon gently around the tree weaving it between the eggs as shown in the video. Secure the ends at the top and bottom with the straight pins which will be removed later.

‘Plant’ your flower garden!

Now it’s time to add our little flower garden at the base of the Easter Egg Tree. Begin by taking apart the Floral bouquet you have selected so that you have individual pieces. Snip off the ends so that they are the length you need. Simply stick the end into the bottom of the cone tree and shape by hand until you are happy with the look. The goal is to make it appear as though there is a beautiful flower bed at the base of our Easter Egg Tree.

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Moss Bendable Vine Wire and Faux Moss Covered Rocks

How To Make An Elegant Easter Egg Cone Tree Tabletop Decor. Decorate your Easter Table this year with a gorgeous Easter Tree you created with your own personal touches. Follow our video tutorial for the steps we used. #Easter #DIYdecor

Cover the outside edges of the cardboard base with the Moss covered wire using hot glue and your wire cutters.

Next, I hot glued the moss covered faux rocks onto the ends of the wire mesh at the bottom of the tree and removed the pins. The mesh is well secured and should not come off. It has seen a fair amount of hot glue by now. Continue to add a few more moss covered faux rocks around the base of the tree.

Using the Moss Covered Wire, wrap the very top of the tree to secure the top portion of the wire mesh ribbon, see the video.ย Repeat the steps for the faux moss covered rocks at the top of the tree.

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Birds Nest with Eggs

Add the Birds Nest to the very top of the tree using hot glue.

How To Make An Elegant Easter Egg Cone Tree Tabletop Decor. Decorate your Easter Table this year with a gorgeous Easter Tree you created with your own personal touches. Follow our video tutorial for the steps we used. #Easter #DIYdecor

Wood Rose Shaving and Matching Mini Eggs

Fill in the gaps between the eggs and ribbon with the Wood Rose Shavings and the matching Mini Easter Eggs.

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How To Make An Elegant Easter Egg Cone Tree Tabletop Decor. Decorate your Easter Table this year with a gorgeous Easter Tree you created with your own personal touches. Follow our video tutorial for the steps we used. #Easter #DIYdecor

My beautiful Easter Egg Cone Tree is decorating our mantle at the moment but I’m seriously considering using it for the centerpiece on my Easter Tablescape.






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  1. Shirley,
    I absolutely love the Tree!! So pretty!!! I really miss not decorating for Easter this year but I just can not physically do it …..
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