
How To Make A Latte At Home

How To Make A Latte At Home is a Sponsored conversation on behalf ofย International Delightยฎ One Touch Latte™ย , myself and Collective Bias. The opinions are expressly my own. #LatteMadeEasy #CollectiveBias

I am so excited to share How To Make A Latte at home with you!

Why so much excitement?

Coffee and Conversation at home on Saturday mornings is one way we keep the romance alive and stay connected with one another. It’s budget friendly and anyone can do it!

After a long work week, all we want to do is relax and reconnect on our weekends. My hubby and I have a standing date every Saturday and Sunday morning for coffee and conversation. ย If the weather is nice you’ll find us on the porch or during the colder months, we may be sitting by the fireplace or at the kitchen table. Because we live in the country our preference for ourย weekend morning dates is on the porch watching the birds and squirrels. The truth is we have bundled up and snuggled on the porch swing under a cozy blanket coffee in hand.ย 

We were both excited when we discoveredย International Delightยฎ One Touch Latte™ย on a recent Walmart trip!ย 

We are flavored creamer lovers so findingย a FROTHING COFFEE CREAMER in our favorite flavors,ย Caramel, Mocha and Vanilla was a win win for us. Honestly, we couldn’t wait until Saturday morning. We had a cup right when we got home from Walmart! Stacy put the coffee on while I read the easy 3 step instructions to turn our coffee into a sweet, frothy latte!

  1. Fill cup 2/3 with coffee to leave room for froth
  2. Shake the One Touch Latte™ can.
  3. Press and hold the can above coffee for 5-7 seconds and enjoy!

The first time we enjoyed our new One Touch Latte™, we decided that we are both barista’s now! Each can yields about 7 uses so it’s such a great value too! We are all set to point, press and obsess over our newest favorite thing!

Start making plans now to date your mate over your ownย One Touch Latte™. Weekend mornings are nice and relaxed but don’t wait! Go ahead and plan yourย One Touch Latte™ย  forย one night this week! We did!

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  1. This looks like just what I need to make this afternoon! Thank you for sharing with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Seriously, I love this one touch latte idea. I always try a homemade version at home and have to pour creamer in a Mason jar and shake it..lol. My hubby and I are flavored coffee creamer loves too and we’ve go to try to find this at Walmart. I love your weekend date routine, BTW.

    1. We were already an International Delight creamer family so we were thrilled to find the One Touch Latte! We love our flavored and Mocha seems to be the one we like the best.

  3. I need to learn this to surprise my husband with it! He loves lattes and I never really knew how to make them because I am not a coffee drinker. I’m going to try this out tomorrow.

  4. We don’t drink coffee around our house, but we have friends of course who would love to make their own lattes at home. Will have to share these different flavors with them so they don’t miss out.

  5. I have all 3 flavors in my fridge! I love how I can turn my ho-hum coffee into a latte in the comfort of my own home – no machine needed.

    1. Ours are almost gone and time to buy some more. We like the Mocha the best and the fact that no machine is needed is like icing on the cake or froth on the coffee! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. I seriously need to try this. I love lattes, but I hate paying for them. Making them at home sounds like a HUGE money saver.

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