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Clean Your Makeup Brushes With Organic Soap

makeup brushes
soap in a bowl of water
Cleaning a make up brush with a bar soap in a bowl of water
make up brushes

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  1. I have been looking for a gentle way to clean my brushes. My make up brushes cost a good bit and I splurge for good ones so they are not disposable. I’m going to seek out some organic soap and give this a try.

  2. I have a cosmetic brush cleanser that I use, but like the idea of cleaning with organic soap even more. My brushes are due for a cleaning, so I’ll have to try this.

  3. Our farmer’s market doesn’t carry organic soaps, unfortunately. I usually buy mine online. My guilty pleasure is organic coconut oil, though. It’s not for cleaning makeup brushes. I use it on my hair and it does wonders!

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