My Design Paintable Rain Boots Review+Savings Code

This is a sponsored conversation on behalf ofย My Design Paintable Rain Boots. All opinions are mine alone.

Rain Boots are just fun to wear! Won’t you agree?

Back to school means new wardrobes and new shoes. Rain boots are essential for back to school wear since rain doesn’t stop the kids from going to school and Mom’s want to keep those precious feet dry!

So excited to get the My Design Paintable Rain Boots in the mailP

I had a lovely conversation with a representative from My Design and couldn’t wait to receive these paintable rain boots for my grand daughter, Ashley. School has just started ย back and Ashley informed her Mom during their shopping that she ‘needed’ a pair of rain boots! We didn’t tell her that she had a really fun pair on the way. It was a nice surprise.

Everything you need to know is printed on back of the box

I will admit that I was curious about these boots but I know how much my grand children love to be creative so I knew Ashley would embrace the idea of designing her own rain boots. Everything you need to know about designing your own style is on the box. How cute are those little boots on the corners of the box!

The design process begins with pencil and paper

We went to my daughter’s house to surprise Ashley who is 7 years old. She immediately grabbed pencil and paper and went to work on her own design idea. She and her Papa enjoyed this creative project together. He always enjoys spending quality time with her and she is definitely a Papa’s girl. Ashley is the youngest of 7 ย and the only girl. Do you think she might be a little bit spoiled?

My Design Magical Pads for erasing and the paint colors

My Design Paintable Boots comes with everything you need. There are recipes on the side of the box telling you which colors to mix for even more color choices. You’ll see that Ashley and her Papa created a variety of colors. The magical pads are for erasing so you can start over if you mess up or change your mind. The paint mix tray is too cute in that little foot shape, isn’t it!

Ashley painting on a lightening bolt

Ashley mixed colors to make red so she could create a red streak of lightening coming from a rain cloud. I love the creativity of a child’s mind, don’t you? You can see that she is implementing the exact design she came up with on paper.

The creative team working hard on Ashley's new My Design Rain Paintable Boots

Papa and Ashley are hard at work, concentrating on their unique designs. They had so much fun painting together.ย 

AShley watching Papa paint her new My Design Paintable Rain Boots

She stopped from time to time to see how Papa’s boot was coming along. She chose nature as the theme for her rain boots and wanted to incorporate clouds.ย 

Ashley painted the left boot with the theme day into night which includes sunshine, a red sky at dusk and night time on the front of the boot. I thought that was clever for a 7 year old to come up with.

My Design Rain Boots make a fun craft project that turns into attire that little girls love

Ashley l-o-v-e-s her new rain boots and cannot wait on a rainy day to be able to wear them to school!

Ashley wearing her new My Design Rain Boots that she and her Papa painted together

She won’t have to wait long because we have rain in the forecast now!ย 

Ashley modeling her new My Design Painted Rain Boots

She loves the fact that both boots are different! Papa enjoyed the quality time they shared. She spent the night with us this weekend and talked about how fun it was to paint those boots together. That made our hearts smile. We have created a nice memory with a pair of rain boots!

We give the My Design Paintable Rain Boots a big two thumbs up!

My Design has provided us with a COUPON CODE so you can save 25% off Paintable Rain Boots for your back to schoolers! Copy and paste this code >>ย B5Z7DONH ย into the checkout on Amazon here. The code is good on the paintable rain boots only and is good through Sept. 30, 2016.

My Design Paintable Rain Boots Review at

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  1. This is the first time I’ve seen paintable rainboots! What a neat idea. Your granddaughter and your hubby are very talented. They did an awesome job and I know she will wear those boots with pride, knowing that she and her papa designed them. She’s adorable! Grandkids are so much fun to spoil, aren’t they? This would make a great Christmas or birthday gift too.

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