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Felt Food Bacon & Eggs Sunny Side Up

Let’s make some Bacon & Eggs Sunny Side Up with Felt!

Felt food can provide hours of fun for children involved in pretend play. The price of pretend play felt food can be a bit taxing on the toy budget though. No problem, just make your own. It’s not hard or expensive. Felt squares are generally somewhere around .25ยข each, very affordable. You can use the store coupon, found online, to purchase felt squares at Hobby Lobby, JoAnn’s or Michaels.

How to sew felt play food. Bacon and Eggs Sunny side up felt play food.

You can get a few pieces of bacon from one brown felt square. I can’t say exactly how many. That depends on how big you want your bacon slices to be. I got one egg from each white felt square because I tried to make them fairly large for those little hands.

Bacon Felt Food


  • Dark brown felt square
  • Light brown felt square
  • Matching thread

EZPZ to make! No pattern needed!

Determine the length and width you wish your bacon slices to be and simply cut them free-hand. Don’t panic, remember those snowflakes you cut out in elementary school? Each one was different and unique. You bacon slices will all have squiggly sides with each one being unique and different, just like real bacon. My bacon slices are not stuffed therefore you do not need to cut 2 pieces exactly the same. Sewing the contrasting ‘fat’ on top will stiffen up the bacon slices.

Top each dark piece with a light piece cut to fit as seen in photo. I chose to use the darker thread. You could use an even lighter thread for more coloring. The only sewing involved is a straight line to attach the lighter piece. EZPZ!

How to sew felt play food. Bacon and Eggs Sunny side up felt play food.

Felt Eggs Sunny Side Up


  • White felt square
  • Yellow felt square
  • Thread (White & Yellow)
  • Pillow stuffing

We will need a pattern because we are going to stuff the eggs to give them dimension so front and back pieces must match. I used the cardboard provided from an empty cereal box to draw out my egg pattern. Then I used the rim of a small juice glass to make the circle for the yolk.

How to sew felt play food. Bacon and Eggs Sunny side up felt play food.

Pin the yolk into place on ONE piece of the egg and sew it down leaving an opening for the stuffing.  Gently add the stuffing into the yolk and sew it closed. I used a zig zag stitch and yellow thread for the yolk.

How to sew felt play food. Bacon and Eggs Sunny side up felt play food.

Now sew the top of the egg and the bottom of the egg together, again leaving an opening for the stuffing. Stuff it gently and sew the opening closed. All done!

How to sew felt play food. Bacon and Eggs Sunny side up felt play food.

Give these brand new, made with love, pretend play toys to your favorite little boy or girl and enjoy their smiles.

Why in the world I waited until being in my 50’s to learn to sew is beyond me but I’m certainly having fun! 

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How to sew felt play food. Bacon and Eggs Sunny side up felt play food.

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  1. What a great idea! Felt food is pricey for real – I have looked at them before but opted not to buy because of the price. I just threw out some felt yesterday – I know, waste of money, too.

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