Our Hot Dog Tour Begins at Myrtle Beach

Our Hot Dog Tour Begins at Myrtle Beach 

Sam’s Corner Hot Dogs Myrtle Beach S.C.

Join my husband, Stacy and I as we enjoy the best local hot dogs on our journeys! Do you have a favorite local hot dog place? We are not world travelers. Truth is, we don’t stray too far from the deep south. But no matter how far we roam, we look for the local hot dog joint! Tell us where your favorite local hot dog place is and we may just drop in!


Sam’s is open 24/7, serving their full menu

We were vacationing at Myrtle Beach last year on the 4th of July. Our condo was only about one block from Sam’s. Coincidentally, we stayed at the condo right next door the last time we went to Myrtle Beach. Both times, we walked the 2 blocks up to Sam’s for their wonderful hot dogs. Last year we enjoyed our July 4th dinner right there at Sam’s!

Sams Hot Dog Myrtle Beach S.C. Slaw Dog & Chili Dog with Chili Cheese Fries. Intelligentdomestications.com
Slaw Dog, Chili Dog and Chili Cheese Fries

One of my personal favorites is the slaw dog. Sam’s slaw dog does not disappoint because their slaw is yummy. All hot dog joints are not created equal. They don’t all serve foot long hot dogs but Sam’s does. There is just something fun about eating a foot long hot dog. The chili is good to so why not go ahead and splurge on the chili cheese fries!

Sam’s menu includes;

  • Jalapeno Cheddar Burger, Sausage Dog, Footlong Hot Dog,  State Fair Dog(footlong Italian Sausage),
  • Jamaican Jerk Chicken, Texas Jalapeno Sausage Dog,
  • Award Winning Pimento Cheeseburger,
  • and let’s not forget the fried bologna sandwich!
  • You can also enjoy a full breakfast menu at Sam’s
  • lots and lots of other yummy treats.

Sam’s is located away from the beach traffic closer to what is known as ‘restaurant row’ in Myrtle Beach. They are in a little strip shopping center with plenty of parking. You will find red booths and a checkerboard counter inside Sam’s. There is a distinctly vintage vibe about the place which just creates the vacation ambience you are looking for in a local hot dog place!

Sam's Hot Dogs Myrtle Beach S.C. Collage. intelligentdomestications.com

We give Sam’s a big two thumbs up. We would and will definitely go again!

Where is you local favorite hot dog joint?

Take the tour with us:

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  1. This is a tour I could go on many times!! I know my hubby would like it. Thanks for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I’ve pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board

  2. I love a good hot dog! I’ve recently started experimenting with other toppings and have found how delicious they can be! I need to try a slaw dog!

  3. I have to admit that a hot dog tour is definitely pretty cool and unique. Those hot dogs look delicious! I will have to keep that in mind next time I’m at Myrtle Beach. I just returned from Las Vegas a little over a week ago and while I was there I had Pink’s Hot Dogs. Not sure if you have had those before but they are in Vegas and Los Angeles. I enjoyed them!

    1. I have heard of Pink’s and I’m sure that was quite a treat for you! Would love to go to Pinks 🙂 Thanks for stopping by FabEllis, come back and check out the tour!

  4. Because hot dogs are the ultimate some cuisine, I could so do something like this.

    A grilled dog with raw onions, mustards and a slither of chili. …oh and some cheese fries.

  5. I didn’t know I wanted a hot dog. But NOW I’m like dying for one! AHAH. I haven’t been to Myrtle Beach in years – we go to OBX and they have a hot dog place called Captain Franks – it’s awesome!

  6. A hot dog tour?! What a great idea!! I can’t eat hotdogs, but I’d love to do some other kind of food tour. I’ll have to start thinking about that. (MMM….food.)

  7. My kids were 3 and 5 when we lived in the States. They knew little English, so they knew what hot is and also what dogs are. So one day after a visit they proudly announced that they had eaten hot dogs (real dogs) :D. We had a good laugh.

  8. Ooo, those look good! And it looks like Sam’s does a great job, too! I don’t know if I’ve ever cooked hot dogs indoors…I’ve just always grilled them outside. I may have nuked them in the microwave once or twice…but I don’t think that’s really cooking LOL

    1. Kristen, I can’t recall ever cooking a hot dog in the microwave except to reheat one left over. I know people do that though. We do love Sam’s and we do love Myrtle Beach, a good combination!

  9. You’re not but a couple of hours away from me when you visit Myrtle Beach!

    We go to North Myrtle several times a year and we have all our favorite restaurants that we’ve been going to for years and years. But I have to say that I’m never been to Sam’s, probably because it’s not near where we hang out. But I will definitely tell the family about it and we will look it up when we are there in August.

    Looking forward to your entire hot dog tour!

    1. Alli, be sure to tell me about it if y’all go! Myrtle Beach has been a family vacation destination for as many years as I can remember. We don’t go very often because it is about an 8 hour drive. My favorite time of year to go is actually the fall.

We enjoying hearing from you!