Family Holiday Traditions & Low Country Boil
What’s in YOUR Low Country Boil? Ours is made up of Shrimp, Red Potatoes, Corn-on-the-cob and Sausage!
Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year!
This marvelous time of year always brings thoughts of fond memories. It also ignites plans and preparations for that slippery slope which ends on Dec. 31st. We call it The Holiday Season.
As far as I’m concerned, The Holiday Season begins on the first day of Fall. There is just so much excitement between October and December. Living in the deep south means it doesn’t really begin to get cool until around late October or early November. The nights are finally cool enough for big bonfires with family and friends. One big bonfire every Fall is a long held tradition for my family. Of course we roast marshmallows and burn some hot dogs on the open flame.
October also brings fairs and festivals, corn mazes, leaf peeping, Boo At The Zoo, Trunk or Treat, fall recipes and breaking out the crock pot for some homemade Chili and Crabmeat Stew (recipes coming soon).
Even more quickly than October made it’s grand entrance, November will be half way over. Are you ready? What is your family’s Thanksgiving tradition? We host an enormous Thanksgiving dinner. There will be two turkeys and a ham! Left overs are planned in advance to facilitate feeding the flock during the next few shopping days. Everyone prepares their best dishes and converges at our house. There are people everywhere, it’s loud and I love every minute of it. We clear a table after dinner and spread out the Black Friday ads, planning our shopping strategies.
Black Friday shopping has become more about hanging on to that old tradition than the actual shopping. We don’t forget to share Cyber Monday deals either. Most estores offer Free Shipping for Cyber Monday.We have found some of the best deals on Christmas gifts on Black Fridays and Cyber Mondays!
As our family has grown with marriages and births, we have developed new traditions over the years for sharing Christmas. One of my personal favorite activities of the Christmas season is breakfast with my grandchildren on Christmas morning. I also love Elf on the Shelf, watching 24 hours of A Christmas Story with my husband and sending lots of colorful Christmas cards to friends and family. I enjoy working in the kitchen with my husband who bakes cakes and cookies to share with his co-works upon request every year.
Whatever your family traditions may be, buckle up. There are only 9 more days remaining to October and that down hill slide will begin! It’s Layaway time now. Only 63 more shopping days until Christmas!
These sound like some wonderful traditions for sure. Thank you for sharing about the Low Country Boil too.
Who doesn’t love saving money on Christmas gifts every year? I have found that Cyber Monday provides me with the same deals (if not better) and a lot less hassle.
I know, right! It is all about saving money. Can’t wait, so much fun with family.
I LOVE your fall decor outside your home! And thanks for the Low Country Boil info – I’ve always wanted to try that!
Thank you so much. My husband and I enjoyed a nice trip to the Farmer’s Market to shop with our favorite vendor for all those pumpkins. I’m really looking forward to your “Tastiest Thanksgiving Ever”
I’m from SWLouisiana. We call it a CrawFish Boil, or a Crab Boil. And OH MAN……thanks a lot….now I want seafood! hahaha
My husband and I spent 2 months in Biloxi for job training several years ago. It was fun to experience the culture in that neck of the woods and interesting how we all do the same types of things but put our on spin on it. Crawfish or not, It is good eating!