Virtual Craft Fair Day 5, The Giveaway’s
The Very Crafty Christmas Virtual Craft Fair is nearing the end. It has been fun and I have enjoyed shopping the unique gifts these crafters offer. What is your favorite item?  Please be sure to save any of the vendors to your favorites and shop their stores at your convenience.
All 10 participants are featured individually between these three posts, please go check them out. There is a great deal of talent featured here. You will find pictures of a few of my favorites and links to the online Shoppe’s. All vendors take Pay Pal making your shopping experience easy.
A Very Crafty Christmas Virtual Craft Fair Day 2
A Virtual Craft Fair Day 3, Mongramming, Jewelry, Books & Thirty-One
A Very Crafty Christmas Virtual Craft Fair Day 4
Below is a list of all the prizes which were donated by the vendors. Entry is simple and easy with the form at the end of this post.
I just love all of the creativity here – so many fun gifts for our Christmas list 😀 ~Renee
It sure was fun, these shops will still be there even thought the Virtual Craft Fair is over. I hope you entered the Giveaway!
Hi Shirley Thanks for all of your support of the Craft Fair. It has been fun getting to know you.
Stay warm.
I still love those scrubbies! This was a great series, Shirley!
Just entered your giveaway. Thanks for hosting it!