Waze, A Good Free Interactive GPS App

Hotwire US

This post is NOT a paid review. It is in fact our opinion of this GPS Application

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Are youย in search of a good free GPS App?ย Friends of ours recommended Waze to us recently. ย We found Waze to be not only more thanย sufficient but alsoย fun as a GPS app.

Waze is an interactive app which allows users to input all sorts ofย current up to the minute info such as traffic conditions, police presence and gas prices. I like the fact thatย  some aspects of the app will not allow typed input while the vehicle is moving. There is, however,ย an option for the passenger to input data. Because of the interactive aspect, you can locate current gas prices that other Wazer’s have just entered. You are also able to locate the nearest gas station and then navigate to it.

We chose not to register but that is an option. You can actually see the location of other Wazer’s on the navigation map which you may deem either fun or fearful. You also have the option of communicating with those folks. If you register and link up with facebook, your facebook/Waze friends can keep up with your whereabouts and you theirs, as long as you have the app open.

These are screenshots I took just to show you some of the aspects of the app. We did encounter traffic at a standstill on a recent trip. Waze users who were ahead of us were able to input the cause of the traffic jam as well as how soon it ended. We found that to be helpful. We also encountered a school bus sitting in an exit median on the interstate, a very dangerous thing to see. I was able to take a photo with the app and post it for others to see.

The GPS navigation works well, with no complaints from this user. If there are changes in the route such as road construction, you can enter that to update the route for other users.

We found extremely good ratings from most users of this app. The interactive aspect of it makes it unique and actually fun to use. There are many more aspects to this app that may be of interest to you. For us, traffic conditions, gas pricesย and navigation make this app a keeper.


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Camping World

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  1. I have been using this for about three months now. Love it. Pretty good about finding the quickest route, and it alerts me when there is an accident or something and provides a better route.

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